Were you born to travel? Explore your birth chart…


Did you know you may have been born to travel? Have you ever wondered why you have a burning passion to explore new places on a level that others might not understand? If so, you should get your birth chart read because, depending on where your North Node and South Node fall on your astrological birth chart, it might just be a component of your life’s purpose and passion to explore and see the world!

I recently had my birth chart read by my awesome new friend Annie Botticelli. Annie is a self development coach and astrologer (among many other things) and did an AMAZING job reading birth charts for me and my husband. I’m not an expert in this area, but here’s a little background and insight into whether or not you may have been born to travel.

What’s a birth chart?

born to travel
Sample birth chart – not mine!

Your birth chart is an astrological map to the placement of the planets at the exact moment you were born. To calculate your astrology birth chart, you need your time, date and place of birth. This chart holds the key to your unique life path and personality. The North and South Nodes of a birth chart, also known as the “Nodes of Fate,” are lunar nodes that point us to our most fulfilling life path. They also tell us what we must overcome in order to get there.

How does my birth chart tell me I was BORN to travel?

The South Node in your birth chart holds this answer. The South Node represents where we’re coming from and what we’re bringing into this life. In my birth chart reading, I discovered my South Node shows my passions of physical movement, freedom mentally and physically and a love for variety… aka travel! I came into this world wanting to explore many things/places and with a strong desire to feel free to do what I choose and be where I choose. If I do not have these elements present in my life, I actually start to feel depressed! Now I know there’s a real astrological reason as to why. How cool! You will have to learn from Annie (our expert) about your South Node to see if you have the same placement on your birth chart as I did. I was pretty excited to have this passion/desire confirmed by the planets! 🙂

South Node doesn’t show your passion for travel? Don’t worry…

So, maybe your South Node doesn’t illustrate your love for travel. But you still really love to travel – so what’s up with that? Well, the answer might be in your North Node. The North Node, opposite of the South Node, represents the path that you are growing into throughout this life. It’s your destiny! Sometimes the North Node might be outside of our comfort zone because it represents the lessons we are learning in this lifetime; possibly overcoming some of our own baggage that is represented in our South Node. But, as it relates to travel, your North Node might tell you travel is part of your destiny, even if you weren’t born with a similar passion.

For instance, this is the case for my husband. His South Node was very different than mine. It did not show this desire for freedom, movement and variety but his North Node did! Part of his journey and growth is to embrace more exploration and freedom than where he started in his life. If you look at each of our backgrounds, where we are at now, and where we want to be in the future, it’s completely accurate! I happen to have travel traits in both my North AND South Node – so I better get on a plane asap!

Interested in finding out if you were born to travel? Or maybe you’re on a life journey that involves a growing desire to travel? Schedule your birth chart reading with Annie!

My explanation of what this all means is incredibly limited – so hear it from the expert, Annie! But after you find out if travel is part of your destiny, comment below and let us know! You can schedule your session with her here – be sure to tell her the Hartmans sent you! 🙂

~ Brooke Hartman

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” Follow us @HartmansTravel and join us as we #TravelinLove.


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